When we receive a claim, any early red flags cause us to work even quicker by using simultaneous investigation tools available to us; such as social media and background checks. A common scenario in which we see this occur are injuries alleged in a low-speed collision. We have developed a process that provides insurmountable hard facts and data using science to confirm that the forces imparted onto the occupants were insufficient to result in an injury.
Our Process:
We start by examining all objective evidence available after the low-speed collision occurs. This includes vehicle photographs, appraisals of the vehicle, digital recorded statements from all involved, scene photos, and any other relevant data. In a case involving a truck or large vehicle, we also investigate weight of the commodity on board to help us accurately calculate the velocity and G-Force imparted onto the occupants.
Our report will detail whether or not the injury being claimed could have resulted from the low-speed collision. Through our investigation, we are able to determine whether or not the threshold of injury was pierced by the collision or force of the accident. These findings are then compared against perturbations of everyday living which help us very clearly develop a report of the exact movement of the occupants in the accident. We then arrive at our conclusions that the alleged injury is not related.